Thursday, April 18, 2019

Hiking around Bonassola

There is another old rail walking/biking trail from Bonassola to Framura.  All us three walked through it.  Hope and I also biked through it.

It was a real pretty old rail trail.  One can also see some natural green granite.  American soldiers tried twice and failed twice to find this tunnel, as they wanted to destroy the communication channel between Nazi Germany and Mussolini Italy.  All 15 soldiers were captured and executed by Nazi. After walking through the tunnel, one can easily understand how difficult it was back then to find it.

Hope on her bike:
We saw a lovely sunset in Framura:

As well as in Bonassola:

A walk from Bonassola to Punta Levato was cut short due to trail closure:

A walk from Bonassola to Framura went okay.  The trail was not great, but still has some good scenery:

I would not mind a bit to have more good hikes though.

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